Friday, May 28, 2010

There was an old lady....

This morning Alder walked up to me with a devilish smile.

"There was an old lady... who lived in.. A POO!"

Laughter ensued.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Motorcycle man

Alder and I were driving down Shawnigan Lake Rd when out of the blue Alder looked up to me and said,

"I want to be a motorcycle man."

I laughed and said, "A motorcycle man?"

"One day." He said in a tone that is only used when you realize what you said sounds unrealistic.

A bridge crossing

On Saturday me and Alder were out walking at The Old Mill park. It's filled with Alder trees which, it turns out, is my favorite smell! We came across a small walking bridge which crossed a swamp. Before crossing, Alder stopped and stared down at the bridge, eyes thoughtful, then looked up to me and said,

"I wonder who made this bridge?".

I was struck by the thoughtfulness of the question before I could respond.

"Probably a man." He said while nodding and stepping on to the bridge.

I suggested that it was probably a few people, men and women to which he nodded and said,

"Yes, probably some men and women."

Monday, February 8, 2010

haa... haaah.... haaahh.....

Today me and Alder were constructing block towers on the floor when Alder stopped, stood, and put his face close to the towers. With a devilish smile he looked at me and said, "haa... haaah... haaahh...." then instead of blowing, fell forward, arms spread apart, in to the block towers.

I'm so going to use that.

You heard dat?

Last night me and Alder were having a bath when we heard the faint screeching of a 2-stroke engine somewhere outside. We both stopped and listened, then Alder looked at me and said, "You heard dat?" In the same growly tone as the 2-stoke. It was HILARIOUS which wasn't lost on him at all. We both laughed about it until he went to bed.

I just came back from work and Alder was waiting for me at the top of the stairs. "You heard dat?" was growled at me before we both laughed and laughed.